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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  January 29, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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on the broadcast tonight, extreme weather. wild temperature swings, upwards of 60 degrees across the country, plunging cold after record warmth. and for a lot of folks it could be a violent night. american dreams hanging in the balance for 11 million people as the president makes a major push on immigration. exit interview with the outgoing secretary of state. after four years, 112 nations and 1 million miles, what hillary clinton told andrea mitchell about her recent health scare. a new beginning for a genuine american hero. the wonders of modern medicine giving him a whole new outlook on life. and when to eat. why doctors now say timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. nightly news begins now.
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good evening. we begin tonight with some of the most severe temperature swings that nature is capable of producing on this planet. they are now under way right now across a big part of our country. and as a result, we are also watching some severe weather very closely, things like tornadoes in january. this will give you some idea of what's going on across the country tonight. in denver, temperatures have just fallen 27 degrees in a day. kansas city, 30 degrees colder. cut bank, montana, 30 degrees colder. in chicago, where it was 63. by thursday, it will be 18. there is an explanation for all of it, but it is a wild 24 hours. we begin with weather channel meteorologist mike seidel, who is out ahead of some of the violent weather in little rock tonight. hey, mike, good evening. >> reporter: hey, good evening,
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brian. the big dip in the jetstream, a big kick leading to those unusually warm temperatures today. and also firing up the first widespread severe weather outbreak for tornadoes so far in 2013. tonight, we have tornado watches in five state, more issued overnight tonight and tomorrow. so far, no twisters reported, just some wind damage. but a long way to go take a look at the record warmth today. kansas city hitting 68 just after midnight. way above average. and in chicago, the coats, the scarves, the gloves came off. yesterday, temperatures were in 40. last week 11 in chicago. 63 set a record. more than 30 degrees above average. back toot forecast for the storms. crossing the mississippi river tonight, keep an eye out in indianapolis and nashville after midnight for dangerous storms, strong wind gusts. by early tomorrow morning in new orleans, where thousands are in town for mardi gras and super bowl, you could be hit with some very rough weather. we will keep you updated. tomorrow, the line crosses the appalachians. atlanta, charlotte, right into d.c. later tomorrow and tomorrow night, new york city the big
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threat again, straight-line wind damage, gusts over 60, but a few isolated tornadoes. back behind the front and the cold air it is back to rate you winter hits. frigid air, subzero wind chills and des moines, green bay, six inches or more of snow. wind gusts over 30. temperatures in green bay 41 will fall to near zero tomorrow night and windchills down to 20 below zero. brian, one record streak we would lake to continue, 220 days and counting without a tore died in fatality. let's hope it continues that way. brian? >> thanks for the update tonight, mike side well an unbelievable turn of events in our weather. he is from little rock tonight. president obama flew to nevada to make a point today, a politically crucial place to throw his arms around a new path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants in this country. our white house correspondent, peter alexander, has our report from las vegas. >> reporter: first trip of president obama's second term had the unmistakable energy of a campaign event. >> now's the time.
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>> reporter: mr. obama visiting this predominantly hispanic las vegas high school to build support for immigration reform. >> now is the time to find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see america as the land of opportunity. >> reporter: the president's plan calls for bolstering border security you cracking down on employers hiring undocumented workers and perhaps most controversially, allowing the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. to earn citizenship by paying taxes and passing a background check, among other requirements. >> this is not just a debate about policy. it's about people. >> reporter: mr. obama described a largely similar bipartisan plan in the senate as encouraging, but republicans are already warning the president that there are limits to their willingness to compromise. >> if this endeavor becomes a bidding war to see who can come up with the sizest, quickest and cheapest pathway to green card
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possible, this thing is not going to go well, folks. >> reporter: still, after winning more than 70% of the latino votes last november, the president's senior advisers say the white house is more than comfortable publicly pressuring republicans. >> and if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on it right away. >> reporter: among those moved by the promise of reform, luis and maria berahas who admit they came to the u.s. from mexico city 14 years ago. visiting from their home in california, their 22-year-old daughter, salema can't imagine life outside the u.s. >> i have spent more than half my life here. i would not have the first idea of how anything works back in my country. >> reporter: a sentiment central to the president's push for change. >> a lot of folks forget that most of us used to be them. >> reporter: brian, the president's proposals aren't new what is new is the political reality i after republican uns
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got crushed among latinos in the 2012 election, many are looking to improve their standing among what is the nation's fastest growing demographic. >> peter alexander traveling with the president in las vegas tonight. peter, thanks. in brazil tonight, the death toll in that awful, sad nightclub fire has risen to 234, with a lot of survivors are still hospitalized, some critical. investigators say the pyrotechnics show used during the band's performance that started the fire was meant for outdoor use on the fire extinguishers were not up to bar. the doors were blocked first by bouncers thinking people hospital pay for their drinks. in syria today, one of the most awful scenes yet in a country that has seen its share of them during two years of civil war. the bodies of at least 65 young men, many of them with their hands bound behind their backs. they had been lined up, shot to death on the banks of a river. awful discovery came on the same date obama administration authorized $155 million in
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humanitarian aid for the syrian people, bringing total u.s. aid thus far, $365 million. the crisis in syria will be among the toughest issues facing the new secretary of state, john kerry. he was confirmed today by the senate by a vote of 94-3. he takes over for the departing hillary clinton officially on friday. the outgoing secretary of state has survived four years in office in the most travel-intensive job there is. she survived 1 million mile us in the air, visits to 112 nations. it took a fall in the bathroom to bring her down, but she is back up and has emerged for an exit interview with nbc's andrea mitchell today, during which she said it's tougher these days to pull off the sweeping diplomatic achievements of the old days. >> reporter: brian, hillary clinton said today that her first challenge taking over was to restore the world's confidence in america's leadership but she did acknowledge that it is tougher
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in the current world to achieve those big breakthroughs, as some of her predecessors did. >> i kidded our mutual friend, henry kissinger. think how impossible it would have been for him to sneak off to china in an age of cell phones, twitter, facebook, everything else. >> what do you think didn't go well? what went wrong? >> well, benghazi went wrong. that was a terrible example of trying to get the right balance between being in a threatening place or not being there. >> but in retrospect, shouldn't a cable warning of a security threat from an ambassador in a conflict zone, shouldn't that get the highest possible attention immediately? >> well, that's what we are hoping to make sure does happen in the future. the security professionals get it right far more than they get it wrong. >> reporter: she has seen upheavals around the world in egypt, in syria and setbacks
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with vladimir putin's russia. when she campaigned against barack obama, she said she was better prepared to handle world crises. there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. >> when that phone call rings at 3:00 in the morning, who should -- who is best prepared to answer it in 2016? >> well, that is to be decided by the american people, but one thing i've learned is that the phone rings day and night. >> reporter: after a fall damaged her left eye, temporarily requiring glasses with a special prism, will health be a factor in decide building to run again? >> i'm healthy enough and my stamina is great enough and i will be fully recovered to do whatever i choose to do, but i don't have any decisions made e. >> are you convinced that the original fall that led to the concussion, are you convinced that that fall was caused by dehydration? have your doctors ruled out any vascular thing? >> it was virus. i had a vicious viral attack that, you know, caused all of the unpleasant things that viruses can cause.
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and i've certainly gained a great deal of knowledge and sympathy for people who go through that, whether it's on the athletic field or the battlefield or in your bathroom, as it was for me. >> in 2012, in december, you told my friend, barbara walters, that you had no intention of running for president. >> right. >> in december of 2001, you told tim russert you had no intention of running for president. >> and i didn't. >> so, things change. but do you feel that -- that joe biden, as the vice president, has the right of first refusal, as it were, within the party or is it an open competition if you decide to run? >> well, american politics is always an open competition but i have no -- you know, i have no position on any of this. >> reporter: for now. clinton said she can't imagine waking up next week and having nowhere to go. she says maybe i'll go back to sleep for a change. draefrmts mitchell at the state department for us tonight. andrea, thanks. while the second-term
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cabinet is not yet set, the last remaining republican in the obama first-term cabinet has announced he's leaving. ray lahood has told the president he is moving on. former illinois congressman launched a huge safety awareness campaign against distracted driving during his four years as secretary, among other things. an inspiring miles stone to report tonight from johns hopkins hospital in baltimore where last month a u.s. army veteran who lost all four of his limbs underwent a remarkable transplant. today, the 26-year-old new yorker talked to reporters and said quite simply, "i feel like i'm getting a second chance." you will agree with that assessment when you see his story tonight from nbc's jim miklaszewski. >> reporter: brandon morocco wheeled himself into a backed news conference in baltimore today. what's remarkable, he did it with a pair of arms he received just six weeks ago, in a double-transplant operation. >> you know, i never really accepted the fact that i didn't have arms, so now that i have
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them again, it's -- it's almost like it never happened. >> reporter: as an army private in iraq, morocco lost both his legs and arms to a roadside bomb. the military's first quadruple amputee to survive. but he never gave up hope. and amazingly, considered himself lucky. >> i was still alive. so, that's really all that mattered to me at the time. >> reporter: for nearly four years, morocco suffered through the excruciating pain of therapy at walter reed hospital. >> pretty much anything that touches them, pushes on them, hurts real bad. >> reporter: griffin, he mastered his artificial limbs, all four of them. but that would never be good enough. >> i hated not having arms. i was all right with not having legs. not having arms takes so much away from you out of -- even your personality. >> reporter: so last december, a team of doctors at johns hopkins hospital, working 13 hours straight, connected miles of nerves, vessels and blood tendons to transplant two arms from a deceased anonymous donor.
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they also traps planted the donor's bone marrow to reduce the threat of rejection. with an unbridled spirit, morocco's progress is nothing short of miraculous and the first time he moved his arms was a bit of a shock. >> one of my friends was just, like, freaking out. like, did you do that on purpose? >> reporter: now you scratching his nose is second nature. morocco's goal is to someday compete again in sports but most of all drive his car. >> he is stubborn but in a good way, not going to let anybody tell him he can't do something. >> reporter: morocco need clear, nothing going to stop him and so far, nothing has. >> life always gets better and you are still alive. >> reporter: jim miklaszewski, nbc news, baltimore. >> remarkable story of achievement. let's take a break on this tuesday night and when we come back, we have news on the weight loss front tonight. in health, why some doctors say it is not only what you eat but when what time of the day that matters. and later, a big change for a certain population at the zoo.
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our health news tonight is on the topic of weight loss a new study may give dieters some fresh ammunition in their fight according to the new research, which match what is some folks have been saying for some time, timing could be everything when it comes to sensible eating. our report from our chief science correspondent, robert bazell. >> reporter: when it comes to meals, many of us, like these lunchtime diners in miami, have fairly set schedules. >> i try not to eat dinner past 6:30. >> i will usually work out in the morning, then follow it up with breakfast and lunch at noon. >> reporter: today's study suggests that timing might matter, at least for those who are trying to lose weight. >> this was the first long-term, large-scale study to really show that the timing of meal intake is important in the success of weight loss therapy. >> reporter: study looked at overweight women who were on the med ter rarirainian diet, high
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fish, vegetables and olive oil. the study was done in spain, where lunch is typically the largest meal of the day. all 420 volunteers consumed the same number of calories, those had had lunch before 3 p.m. lost an average of 22 pounds in 20 weeks, five pounds more than those who ate lunch later. the question of timing and weight gain is not new. many experts say that a cal very a calorie no matter when you eat t even those who say timing is important admit that timing is never more important than how much you eat. still, studies in animals have suggested that meals at different times can affect the biological clocks in our bodies. >> food acts as a signal of time to all the cells in our body, including for the liver and fat tissue. >> thank you. bye. >> reporter: but today's news may not be practical for many busy americans. >> i'm the mother of a 2 1/2-year-old and a 6-month-old. so, my eating habits more so
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depend on their addetting habits. >> when i have a spare moment is when i eat. so, if that's at 3:00, that's at 3:00. if it's at noon, it's at noon. >> reporter: the latest study suggested noon may be better. robert bazell, nbc news, new york. a health update on two big names tonight. burt reynolds and barbara walters are both out of the hospital. reynolds was in an icu in florida for a time because of the flu. barbara walters has been hospitalized since before the inauguration. we learned just yesterday she had come down with chicken pox at the age of 83. we are back in a moment with a place that's been hidden away for decades suddenly available for all of us to see. but one dark stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete.
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and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. the invasion of sea foam we told but last night has worsened along a section of australian coastline. it is a combination of severe coastal storm, high waves and high winds injecting a whole lot of air into that water. it is mostly organic and thick enough you could almost lose a
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kid or two in there. high seas drawing surfers half a world away in portugal. look that the a a confluence of low-pressure systems is ramming water into a popular spot on the coast north of lisbon, creating monster waves for surfers. a federal judge in new orleans has approved a deal calling for bp to pay a record $4 billion in criminal penalties from the deepwater horizon spill, the worst environmental disaster of all time. it includes manslaughter charges for the 11 workers who died on the rig. the judge called it just punishment for what has happened. we have been covering the smog in beijing, which has now grown so bad, it's causing flight delays because pilots just can't see. the u.s. embassy has warned all of its workers, "everyone should avoid all physical activity outdoors." the smog a result of virtually unregulated industry is finally being treated as an emergency by the government of china.
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google maps used to show north korea as a blank, vast morass. now, suddenly those looking to get around in the most shut off nation in the world can rely on google maps. they are detailed enough to show pyongyang subway stops and they show the famous gulags, which the map labels concentration camps. a lot of people found it interesting this comes just after google executive chairman eric schmitt visited north core wry ya. and of all the honors tina fey has received, this one is at least tastier than a golden globe. to mark the final episode of "30 rock" this nurse night on nbc, ben & jerry are launching "30 rock, the ice cream." they resisted temptation to do a liz lemon sorbet. we learned the actual ingredients of 30 rock after the show's finally. up next here tonight, it's all happening here at the zoo. these days, that means personal electronics. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you.
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you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. finally tonight, attention all humans who have ever struggled with an electronic device. the national zoo in washington has equipped its apes with ipads and they found some very specific apps that are proving both highly attractive and highly addictive. our report tonight from our man
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in the field, nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: ever had one of those days where you're sitting around and you just don't know what to do? >> what do you think, kiddo? you want to try it out? >> reporter: turns out at the national zoo, there's an app for that. >> you got to be gentle. >> reporter: lots of apps. 16-year-old battang, uses her long arms and fingers to tap. she loves the drums and cymbals. ♪ 36-year-old bonnie prefers playing the keyboard or scrolling through photos of other animals. the program is called "apps for apes" one way that 13 zoos, including the smithsonian zoo in washington are trying to enrich the lives of these endangered animals. >> it engages their sight, their touch, sound. they can choose to sit here and participate or they can walk away. >> reporter: but they're not. they're painting, fishing, playing instruments, and coming back for more. this is lucy, she is 39 years
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old. and like all orangutans, she has her own personality and she is very curious. researchers say the challenge to keep her and all of her friends constantly mentally engaged. >> trying to break it up, make their day a little different. the same thing, day after day, just like a human would be pretty repetitive and you pretty boring. >> reporter: how many do you know have gotten a shoutout on "snl." >> orangutans at the national zoo are now being given ipads as a part of apps for apes program. marks and you think your screen gets dirty? >> reporter: it turns out researchers are even using ipads to communicate with dolphins, but, of course, apes have hands and they love to break stuff. >> no. nope. >> reporter: but these apes also love their apps. tom costello, nbc news, washington. that's you are our broadcast on a tuesday night, thank you for being with us. i'm brian williams, we hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening.
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good night.


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